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Wednesday 18 January 2017

Guest Post from Kirsty Frampton


                   I explained in my last post how important it is to get inspired by your friends and if you collaborate you’ll truly see how much they can do. Well this could not be more apt in the case of the following post– I reached out to Kirsty to ask her to write for me and I couldn’t be happier with the results so enjoy below and check out Kirsty’s blog on


We all feel down now and then. Some of us suffer from mental illness, such as depression which makes us feel low. Others are just having a rough patch or a tough day. Either way it’s something every human being experiences and it can be difficult to get yourself out of that mentality, because unfortunately, negativity breeds negativity.

Since being diagnosed with depression two and a half years ago I have spent a lot of time learning how to cope with the illness and feeling low. Here’s a small insight into what I have discovered so far:

·         You are not alone. You will feel like it sometimes, but you would be surprised how many people are going through a similar experience

·         That being said, you and your experience are unique. Hold on to the beautiful fact that there is nobody like you out there. And don’t feel that your experience is less valid than someone else’s, just because the two are different.

·         You’re allowed to have bad days. It is important to try and get yourself out of the hole you are in, but sometimes it is exhausting and we have those days where we just don’t want to do it. That’s totally okay. Stay in bed all day, hide away from the world, be an emotional wreck. Sometimes you need some time to embrace what you are feeling and give yourself a break.

·         It’s so vital to discover what makes you happy. Sit down and write a list of things that bring you true happiness. Keep the list safe and consult it whenever you feel low. Pick something on there and do it. Life can be so hectic and we forget to do the things that bring us unadulterated pleasure. For example, I love to read, but I rarely find time to do it. So sometimes I will clear my schedule and spend a whole day losing myself in one of my favourite books. Or, do something that you really have no excuse to do, but you just don’t do. I love yoga but find it so easy to get out the habit of doing it because I have 101 other things to do every day. So now I make an effort to set aside a mere 20-30 minutes a day to go some yoga in my living room (albeit with my cat climbing all over me as I’m doing the downward dog!).

·         This is perhaps a little obvious and cliché – but look after yourself. Eat healthy food and get some exercise. It really does help. I know better than anyone that this one can be incredibly hard. There is nothing better than devouring a tub of Ben and Jerrys whilst you slob out in front of the tv, but it’s true when they say that a healthy body equals a healthy soul. And no, I’m sad to say that a bottle of wine is not one of your five-a-day, despite the fact it’s made from grapes (sad face)!

These are just a few of my best tips. Everyone is different, so not everything will work for everyone, but what is important is that you find out what works for YOU! And use those things to create the happiness you deserve.

Rachel / Author & Editor

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