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Friday 13 January 2017

Compartmentalization – A Handy Bullet Point Guide


                   So we all feel a bit shit if we’re worrying about the same thing all day every day – plus when you actually come to face the thing  you’ve been thinking about it seems so much worse because it’s consumed your brain. This is where compartmentalization comes in – otherwise known as dividing your brain and time into relevant sections– it’s vital for not only mental wellbeing but also success in all areas of life. Pesky (but also wonderful) social media hasn’t helped because every aspect of our life is merged within our phone. Here’s a few tips on how to compartmentalize and how it’ll help you:

·         Plan everything and divide your time up – this means a) nothing gets neglected and b) you’ll know what you need to focus your attention on and when. For example at work really focus on the task you’re completing and if you’re with friends give them your full attention – no one likes that dinner companion who is glued to their work emails (full disclaimer I have TOTALLY been that person).


·         Put your apps into folders on your phone. Sounds silly but it means if you’re at work you can ignore the ‘social media’ folder, and if you dedicate time to catching up on messages from the day you can stay away from the work area of your phone.


·         It will free your brain – women are especially guilty of thinking about a million different things at once and by compartmentalizing it should help you switch off the areas of your brain you don’t need at that precise moment. The more you focus on the present people will notice and appreciate it and you’ll feel prouder of what you achieve in any area of life – e.g. a job or a relationship, because it’s had your full attention.


·         It will make you feel organized and in control – you’ll know exactly what each day involves and feel equipped to handle it!


·         You should be able to schedule in some more me time if everything else is successfully in compartments in your life/brain and we could all use some more of that…

So there we have it – a few handy hints on how to compartmentalize… Good luck J

Rachel / Author & Editor

Welcome to Rachel relates - semi serious life advice for those navigating their twenties. Feel free to browse or email for specific advice.


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