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Monday 30 January 2017

Social Media & The Internet: The Benefits

                 So often we are told of the drawbacks to social media and the internet but lately I’ve found myself really seeing the benefits. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve gone looking for the nicest ways to use the internet but I certainly seem to have found them. I thought I’d share just a few ways that I’ve recently felt the benefits of the online community.

1) My foray into guest blogging. With my own blog only a few days old, I thought back to the blogs that had inspired me the most - one specifically came to mind. The blog in question was by a girl I’d know at college whose blog around depression I had read and loved! A quick Facebook message and we were in business! We’ve now guest written for each other and shared each other’s blogs - all with ease and comfort - no phone calls, emails, coffees or even extensive planning, just boom DONE!

2) Using a hash tag to find likeminded people or those who are talking about something relevant to you or something you’re interested in or struggling with - I’ve not only found others with blogs/thoughts similar to myself but also have effectively used hash tags to promote my own writing which makes it easier for other people to find my blog through instagram particularly.

3) The sheer number of people who you can reach. My blog is about a week and a half old and i’ve reached Vietnam, India, Australia and the US just to name a few - this just goes to show the areas of the world you can get your message to if you have a bit of google key word search behind you!

4) Kind of related to the above but the power of sharing on social media - by simply asking friends to share my blog link I’ve reached thousands of people that wouldn’t have seen my content otherwise

5) The women’s marches around the world in response to Donald Trumps inauguration - I wasn’t able to attend but followed the social media coverage extensively. I find it so powerful that social media was used to create the buzz around the event and to help organise where everyone would be meeting etc. It just shows the power of what can be achieved if people have a common shared message and hold the same issues at heart!

So my conclusion is – if you know where to look the internet can be a safe life affirming haven!

Rachel / Author & Editor

Welcome to Rachel relates - semi serious life advice for those navigating their twenties. Feel free to browse or email for specific advice.


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