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Friday 17 February 2017

Writing a Blog - Expectation vs Reality


              So I recently hit 10,000 hits in a month (Woo go team #rachelrelates) I’m so hugely grateful for everyone who has clicked on and hopefully got something from what I’ve written. Writing regularly has certainly been a journey so I thought I’d share a couple of things I’ve learnt along the way..

Expectation: You will feel constantly inspired and will want to write every minute of every day.
Reality: Ha. Just Ha. No. But I have learnt when i’m generally more creative (i.e. the time of day) and how I work best which is great. I may have posted pretty regularly in the last month but my creative well is definitely not drying up yet! I’ve learnt to work writing into my daily/weekly life and organised my time around this (see my blog on the creative process helping your 9-5).

Expectation: People will come to your website in flocks the second it goes live.
Reality. No. It takes work, lots of work. But it’s also an incredible experience watching more and more people gradually following your blog posts. I’ve also found it really important to learn from my audience and create more of what they want. I’ve also (I hope learnt a little something about marketing content on social media too. (although I do have a wonderful friend who helps me with that too). 

Expectation: It will feel nothing like an actual job and you will always love it.
Reality. Naaah. I’ve had meetings, made lists, been stressed and worried about what I’m doing - Just. But the outcome is more than worth it! It feels like a job just the best job in the world and the more I can do of it the better!

Expectation: People will love what you’re doing and all feedback will be great.
Reality: Definitely not.. but all criticism is constructive and it’s always important to remember you can’t ever please everyone. 

Expectation: Your blog is yours and only yours.
Reality: Nopes. I already have a mini team of people working with me which is amazing and they keep me on track and support the actual writing which is my speciality. On top of this my friends, family and anyone in my audience are all a huge part of the process and keep me focused on what i’m doing. I don’t write for myself I write to give people a little break from their day and a hopefully some writing they can relate to and gives them a spring in their step. Obviously it’s a personal creative process too and it’s a great release of what’s in my brain but that’s the not the most important bit of what I’m doing. 

Having said all of the above I wouldn’t change a second of the process so far! If i could do the last month all over again I would in a heartbeat :). Anyone who is considering writing a blog but not sure I cannot encourage you enough to give it a whirl! 

Please keep liking, clicking following, sharing and letting me know more of what you want from our little corner of the Internet! 

Rachel / Author & Editor

Welcome to Rachel relates - semi serious life advice for those navigating their twenties. Feel free to browse or email for specific advice.


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