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Monday 24 April 2017



          I think levels of control (or lack of) is one of the biggest differences between your early twenties and your mid to late twenties. It’s easy at 21 or 22 to feel massively out of control of your life - chances are you’ve finished uni, you’re figuring out what you really want and trying to piece together how you might eventually get there. Slowly but surely over the next few years hopefully you’ll feel more and more in control!

The aspects of feeling in control of your life and secure can generally be divided into the following: job, home, financial stability and physically feeling in control of your body. When all of these work together you’ll probably feel somewhat in control. I’ve personally struggled massively with all of the above at various time and I guess the most important thing is that it’s totally normal. I think for millennials especially it’s hard because a lot of our parents had their shit sorted by our age and were married/homeowners etc and that’s just not realistic in this day and age as for a multitude of reasons as society is so different.

I think it’s a strange time in your life around 25/26 because you’re fighting a sort of inner battle where half of you wants to be a teenager and half of you wants to be a Grandma. But the most important thing to focus on is staying in control of what’s important to you and not relinquishing control to others who will be always be on their own path.  

So I’ve tried to make this year the year I take control. Super boring but necessary. Find the small changes that make a difference to you and try and make them part of your daily life. For me it’s spending my whole lunch hour walking, bringing lunch into work and making a budget spreadsheet but it’s different for everyone.  Find what is most crucial to your happiness and grab control of it J

Rachel / Author & Editor

Welcome to Rachel relates - semi serious life advice for those navigating their twenties. Feel free to browse or email for specific advice.


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